Ebola hemorrhagic fever

Ebola virus disease is an acute hemorrhagic infectious disease caused by the Ebola virus (EBOV) of the filoviridae family. Ebola virus (EBOV) is a severe virus that causes Ebola hemorrhagic fever (EBHF) in humans and primates. The hemorrhagic fever caused by it is the most deadly viral hemorrhagic fever in the world today and has caused 10 An outbreak of scale. It is mainly transmitted through the patient's blood and excreta. The clinical manifestations are acute onset, fever, myalgia, bleeding, rash, and impaired liver and kidney function. Susceptible and High-Risk Populations: Populations are generally susceptible regardless of their age and gender. High-risk groups include patients with Ebola hemorrhagic fever, people in close contact with infected animals such as medical staff, inspectors, and staff at the Ebola epidemic site.

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