Femoral neural stem pain

Femoral neuralgia is not uncommon clinically, especially in middle-aged women. Except for the sciatic nerve trunk, the lower limb femoral nerve is the largest branch, originating from the lumbar 2, 3, and 4 nerves, descending along the psoas and iliopsoas muscles, entering the femoral triangle from the inguinal ligament (located outside the femoral artery), and then Separate sensory branches and motor branches (Figure 1). 1. The sensory branch has the following two branches: (1) Anterior femoral cutaneous nerve: It is distributed on the skin 2/3 below the thigh. (2) Saphenous nerve: distributed on the skin of the knees, calves, and medial feet. 2. The exercise branches mainly control the iliopsoas muscle (which has been issued in the pelvic cavity), the sartorius muscle, the pubic muscle, and the quadriceps.

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