Male infertility

Male infertility refers to the fact that both men and women have not taken any contraceptive measures and are not pregnant, and the woman checks normal conditions, which is called male infertility. There are two main types of male infertility. The first is sperm abnormalities, mainly oligospermia and azoospermia. Among them, weak spermatozoa are the most common, and the percentage of forward motile sperm is less than 32%. Is the sperm density or the total number is too small; abnormal spermatozoa, is the abnormal shape of sperm too much, the proportion of normal morphology sperm is too low; azoospermia, the sperm is not found in the sperm ejected. The second type is sexual dysfunction, such as erectile dysfunction of the penis, commonly known as impotence; or premature ejaculation, difficulty in ejaculation during sexual intercourse, retrograde ejaculation, etc .; severe sexual dysfunction will cause the man to be unable to shoot semen into the woman's vagina, and it will not be natural pregnant.

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