Serum mercury

Mercury is a silver-white liquid metal that evaporates at room temperature. Mercury is one of the heavy metals commonly used in the battery and mining industries. Mercury and its compounds can invade the human body through different channels such as the respiratory tract, skin, or digestive tract. Mercury is cumulative and takes a long time to manifest itself. Urine mercury and hematuria measurements reflect the amount of mercury absorbed in the body to a certain extent, but often have no parallel relationship with the clinical symptoms and severity of mercury poisoning. The normal value of urinary mercury varies from region to region. The normal upper limit of domestic urinary mercury is generally not more than 0.25 μmol / L (0.05 mg / L) or the atomic energy absorption method does not exceed 0.1 μmol / L (0.02 mg / L). ). The normal upper limit of blood mercury is 1.5 μmol / L (0.03 mg / dl).

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