Radioactive wrinkles

Radiation wrinkles outward from the corner of the mouth are caused by diseases such as angular cheilitis, and are a clinical symptom of radioactive wrinkles clearly visible at the corner of the mouth. Oral cheilitis is commonly known as "rotten mouth corner", manifested as mouth corner flushing, blistering, cleft palate, erosion, crusting, and scaling. The patient was susceptible to bleeding from opening her mouth, which affected her eating and speaking. The inducing factor of cheilitis is a cold and dry climate, which can cause cracks in the skin and mucous membranes around the lips and the corners of the mouth. The surrounding bacteria can invade and cause infections and cause cheilitis. When the lips are cracked, people often habitually lick them with their tongues. It is easy to make the corners of the mouth dry; if the vitamin intake from the diet is reduced, it will cause the deficiency of B vitamins in the body, and it will also cause the occurrence of vitamin B deficiency stomatitis.

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