Swelling atrophy

Striae atrophicae is also called striae distensae, lineae albicantens. It occurs during pregnancy and is called striae gravidarum. It is a dermal elastic fiber rupture and degeneration. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that this disease is caused by inadequate endowment or loss of qi and blood and skin degeneration. Atrophic lines refer to the formation of cord-like skin atrophy caused by rupture of elastic fibers of the skin due to obesity, pregnancy, edema and other reasons. Key points for diagnosis: Occur at any age, more common in adolescence, young people gain weight too fast, and pregnant women. Early skin lesions are strip-like reddish lines, slightly raised. The old ones show white atrophy. No conscious symptoms. According to different situations, it occurs in no place, and pregnant girls are in the abdomen. During puberty, it usually occurs on the medial thigh, buttocks and back waist. Occurred by taking corticosteroids are found in the wrinkles such as the axilla and groin.

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