
Overdrinking is one of the illnesses (one of the four drinks in "Jin Kui Essentials"). "Su Wen · The pulse should be subtle": "The liver veins are soft and scattered, and those with color and luster should drink when they are sick. Spilled drinkers, thirsty and thirsty, drink more and easily enter the skin and stomach. "Tan Yin Yin cough disease pulse syndrome and cure": "Drinking water is popular, and it is attributed to the limbs. When sweating but not sweating, the body hurts, it is called overflowing drink." The evil of this disease mainly overflows the skin and limbs. Clinically, the body is painful and the branches are painful; cough, asthma, chest tightness, and fatigue are also seen. Should warm the lungs to drink, sweating to expel evil. Use Daqinglong Soup, Xiaoqinglong Soup, Guiling Shenshu Decoction and so on. See four drinks, sputum drink.

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