Hemophilia in children

Hemophilia is a group of hereditary bleeding disorders that are caused by a deficiency of factor 缺乏 (FⅧ), Ⅸ (FⅨ), or factor ,, including hemophilia A, or factor Ⅷ (also known as Antihemophilia globulin (AHG) deficiency; Hemophilia B, factor Ⅸ (also known as plasma thromboplastin, PTC) deficiency; Hemophilia C, factor Ⅺ (also known as plasma thromboplastin) Quality, PTA) deficiency. Hemophilia is the most common congenital hemorrhagic disease, especially about 85% of hemophilia A. Pediatric hemophilia hemorrhage begins in the neonatal period, but most of them are around 2 years old. As the developmental activity increases, the bleeding tendency becomes more pronounced.

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