Tendon sheath cyst resection

Tendon sheath cyst (ganglion) is a cystic mass that occurs in the tendon sheath of the joint, a condition caused by the degeneration of connective tissue around the joint capsule. Contains colorless transparent or orange, light yellow thick mucus, which is often found on the back of the wrist and the back of the foot. Patients are mostly young, and more common in women. This disease belongs to the category of "muscle knots" and "muscle tumors" in traditional Chinese medicine. The main clinical features are hemispherical bulges on the superficial surface of the skin, soft and pushable, and more frequently in the center of the wrist. The cystic mass that develops slowly on the back of the wrist or the back of the foot is spherical, with a smooth surface, clear borders, soft texture, a sense of fluctuation, no obvious symptoms or slight soreness; when the cyst fluid is full, the cyst wall becomes hard. Local tenderness. When touched, the skin is full and has a fluctuating sac-like sensation, accompanied by wrist weakness, discomfort or pain, mostly sore or radiation pain, and may have some dysfunction. Large cysts that affect joint function, and those who are not effective or relapse with non-surgical treatment should be surgically removed.

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