Tubal infertility

Pregnancy is a complicated process. It requires the sperm and egg to be combined to form a fertilized egg, and finally implanted in the uterine cavity. In addition to having normal sperm, eggs and a proper intrauterine environment, enabling sperm and eggs to meet and be transported to the uterine cavity is also an important part of the pregnancy process. This task is done by the fallopian tube. The fallopian tube is not only a channel connecting the ovary and uterus, but also has the functions of ovulation, storage of eggs, insemination, providing a place for sperm-egg combination, and delivery of pregnant eggs to the uterine control in order to reach the endometrium in time. If the fallopian tube is inflamed, causing the fallopian tube to be blocked, and the infertility caused by the inability of the sperm to meet the egg, it is called fallopian tube infertility.

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